Sunday, March 1, 2009

I wouldn't wish back college...

Today I gave tours for high school students applying to the BS/MD program at my school. They'll get their B.S. in 2-3 years, and then matriculate to good old NEOUCOM. My first tour was unique--I had two students with no families. When parents are around, the kids just walk silently and don't ask questions and just seem terrified. but the tour really was us walking in a circle talking about the college decision. I don't know why I love talking through decisions with people, but it was refreshing to be able to give students information that will actually help them make a decision--not to sell them on a school, but to talk them through what is best for them. One guy made the point "So basically, you endure college for medical school?" While this wasn't at all the point I wanted to convey, and quickly re-directed the conversation. But it had an ounce of truth. Even as I've been hanging out and studying more at University of Akron, I've realized how much I really don't miss undergrad. In reality, the coursework was easier. But there was a level of drama that doesn't hold up in med school. The disjointed interests and classes were more stressful that the exponentially more difficult material I've had in the last 6 months. I finally feel like I have some continuity and 'harmony' in my life.

I've also come to the question "What would I do with myself if I didn't have so much studying to do?" Given, I had 15 months with no school and I fared tolerably well :) But I can't imagine my life without a perpetual and complete learning. I can't imagine a time in my life where I'll be content with what I know and what I understand. I desire to be well rounded and have a variety of interests, and I think i'm managing this pretty well, but more than anything I love being challenged and pushed to the core of my being. To be presented with a challenge and rising to meet it gives me a thrill that is unparalleled.


Unknown said...

I know why we're friends. I completely agree, with all of the above.

While I'm anxious about what happens next- I know that wherever I go, whatever I end up doing there will always be a continued search for knowledge, learning- and understanding. that thrills me. I tend to enjoy breaks because I can submerge myself into an entirely different sphere of learning.

Unknown said...
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