Sunday, May 23, 2010

My God, the breath you have given me is fresh. You create it, you form it, and you keep me breathing. At some time you will take it away from me and I will have breathed my last breath in this body. And you will resuscitate me to the life of the spirit... For each breath still in me I thank you, Adonai, the God of my parents, Lord of all spirits, Master of all that happens. I offer you thanks, Cosmic Majesty and worship you for keeping me breathing. In this way, with each breath you give me Life anew.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Today as I frantically finished up my board review class online, ran back and forth between school and home and threw my suitcoat on top of my luggage, I pushed myself though the weariness because at the end of the day I was heading here. To probably one of my favorite "places" on the earth. The airport. It's a place of reflection. With a sea full of people around me, I can breath deeply. In a sea of busyness, there's always been some sort of peace. Nothing else for me to do. My computer has only so much battery life before I'm left with books and music and myself. India did this for me. Restfulness, peace and pending adventure go together for me.

But now my pending adventure is a gorgeously nice hotel, Disney world and just a short presentation (the whole point of my traveling). I'm giving myself a few days off. I feel so relaxed. so much...shalom. The 90 degree, sunny weather awaiting me doesn't hurt either :)