Saturday, September 13, 2008

back in the swing of life!

So I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth, I promise. I just haven’t known what to write. Basically, life in the US is a little less novel than life overseas. But a lot has been happening and I’m seeing things so differently than I was a few months ago.

First of all, I started med school 2 weeks ago. We’ve been practicing patient interviews this week, and I had to pretend to be the patient—bring a problem that another student can interview and counsel me on. My problem was reverse culture shock. I basically pretended it was 2 months ago when I hated my life a little ☺ . I’m through it now, but I remember what it was like so I put myself in that frame of mind for fifteen minutes at a time. The funny thing that happened though, was that I started feeling those emotions for real again. That strange sensation of longing and aching and of discomfort with where I am.

I love being back in the US. I really really am thankful to be back and to be placed where I am. I am so comforted that God has relieved my fears and worries with so many blessings. For example, I was worried about finding a community when I got back to be a part of. I’ve honestly had to ‘say no’ to things because God has sent me bountiful friendships and groups and opportunities. It’s pretty cool, and now I feel a bit sheepish that I doubted God when I first came back.

Med school is great (so far). Given I haven’t entered the crazy workload yet, but I love the atmosphere of school. I love the fact that there are 200 students with endless possibilities of friendships and relationships. While it’s overwhelming, its so exciting to me! We’ll see how I feel once the workload hits in another week! I’m sure I won’t be as excited ☺

And today is a rainy, dreary day. The type of day I longed for in the summer and winter of India. To be sitting in a coffee shop as rain persistently beats the ground just outside the window gives me a feeling of safety and comfort.