Saturday, January 3, 2009

alma mater

Tonight I made the journey to my old high school. The place where I spent 6 years of my life. They were six good years, too. For some reason, it took me awhile to re-enter that part of my life. I think for awhile I was embarrassed of the person I was back then--of the bubble I lived in, or my naivety...and I don't know what else. But, time heals and I've come to terms with my journey, and gotten over myself.

Tonight, I pulled into a parking lot I've pulled in probably 2000 times. I went into a building that I spent the majority of my teens in. I felt the pressure to be grown up slip from my shoulders. It was strangely like coming home. I talked to a old friend who's known me since seventh grade and we were discussing what happens to us in college. We determined that we don't really "change." I'm the same person I was when I was 16 years old. At the core of my being, I'm still "Susan." But I've grown up. I've matured. I sat in the bleachers and couldn't help to think that I have no regrets.. When I first started college, I think I regretted who I was in junior high and high school. But in reality, I had to be there in order to be who I was in college. I had to be who I was in college in order to be who I was in India. And I was who I was in India in order to be who I am now. What's to regret in that?

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