Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy List.

  1. I got TWO packages in the mail of books I ordered. I love new books, and I love getting mail.
  2. it's gorgeous outside and I'm going to go on a run in 2 hours.
  3. only two more weeks of biochem.
  4. What we're learning is crazy interesting!
  5. In 2.5 and 3.5 weeks respectively, I'll be at conferences in Dayton and DC.
  6. This summer I'll be far away from Akron.
  7. I can see grass. and wear a t-shirt without freezing.
  8. Sunday is tapestry for my discipleship group.
  9. My ILT group at school (of 20 people) is almost completely filled with hard workers.
  10. I'm having to squint at the screen because of the glare from the SUN!!! (yes, the weather is a really big deal after the several feet of snow we've had in the last couple of months.)

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