Saturday, June 14, 2008


have you ever been car stalked?  When the parking lots are incredibly full and a car follows 3 feet behind you in hopes that they can have your parking space?  It happened to me a lot at Akron, but the mixture of me not driving for ten months, and then not attending college during the typical school year prevented my car-stalking exposure for the last year.  

Then I started working at Summa.  Summa likes to spoil it's employees, which as a current employee, I love :)  Since the staff parking lots are on the far corners of a vast campus, they supply shuttles that can take us from our cars to our building.  It's wonderful if you're in a hurry, or if it's raining, or if you just don't feel like walking.  But I spend most of my day sitting at a desk inside, or in a stuffy classroom, so I typically treasure these brief spurts of walking in the sun.  I pull into the parking lot and spot a shuttle.  It's sitting discretely (as discretely as a huge half-bus can sit) in the shade on the far side of the parking lot.  As soon as it spots me it begins to follow me around the parking lot until I pull into the empty space of my choosing.  It stops.  Waiting ominously for me to board, I almost feel guilty for waving it by as I begin my long trek in heels to the office.  That poor shuttle-driver just really wanted to help me, and I shot her down.  

1 comment:

Amanda said...

that's so funny! that's what they did for clinicals too! :)