Well, I actually had a pretty spectacular day, and I want to make a happy list for great things that I saw and that happened.
1) It's gorgeous out--nice and warm and sunny
2) Running at 6am. It may sound awful, but being back in the wood when everything is serene--just priceless. If the exhilaration of a morning run wasn't enough, a deer walked out in front of me and just watched me as I stopped and walked by her. I've seen a lot of deer in my short life, but for some reason they still awe me when I see them up close
3) making progress at work--I typed some little summaries into a computer and started figuring out my email and scheduling. Little things, but I feel excited about my work. I'm already learning so much about the health system and special needs of older adults and how the geriatric field of medicine works. I enjoy researching these things 'cause I'm learning so much as I go and am being challenged and pushed.
4) It's AA Founders Week this week! Which means Akron is overrun with motorcycles. Honestly, my favorite weekend of the year in Akron.
5) Summa has pretty much the nicest librarian.
6) a man was walking in front of me and Hannah tonight with a coat-hanger slung over one shoulder with fifty-some hemp bracelets dangling behind him.
7) I ate a bowl of ice-cream while sitting out in the sun chatting with a friend and people-watching. Really, how does an evening get better than that??
8) the guy in the bagel line kept trying to joke around with me. yeah... I don't really get jokes early in the morning.
9) my grandparents got me special highlighters that they saw on Oprah.
10) Someone was riding a scooter around downtown Akron. Serious joy.
11) There are about 400 different shades of green in the world right now.
12) I finally finished a book on Wednesday after my 6 week reading-block!!
13. People I really love:

14) ahh I love them. good memories :)

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