I spent an incredibly long (in a good way :) ) 48 hours in Washington D.C. Sun/Mon. I went with 5 other students to AMA's Lobby Day. Here are the 4 of us girls that drove down Sunday morning!

We went sight-seeing through the whole mall in an hour and a half. You should be impressed.

And then we met up with Reshmi and Brent and after walking around the city for a couple of hours, went to see the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Which was sweet. And the middle-schoolers behind me were furious about how illegible the perfect calligraphy was. It made me laugh :)

After a ton of meetings, we went out for like a half hour with other AMAers. and Rathna and Brent decided to dance on the bar. For approximately 10 seconds. Note: both were completely sober :)

Then walked to Georgetown and saw the Kennedy Center. This is where our Nation's President was at the very time this picture was taken. So, we basically saw the President :)

Now that all the important stuff is out of the way :) The whole point of this weekend was to educate medical students and residents on how to lobby for healthcare related issues. Considering this is now President Obama's priority, it was a cool weekend to be there. We had different politicians and lobbyist etc. come and speak about lobbying and about healthcare reform. Then we went and lobbied. My first appointment was with Representative Sutton's (my district's Rep) staffer. It was actually quite enjoyable after I got over my initial jitters. Since I was the only one at Lobby Day from my district, I was by myself. But It was a good intro to lobbying and the political process for me. I also met with Senator Brown's staffer (along with several other Ohioans). Plus a tour of the supreme court and random networking with other medical students and residents. It was an incredibly exhilarating, yet exhausting weekend. And it piqued my interest in politics even more.
This is all 6 of us after the meetings with the senators.

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