Have you ever met someone, even briefly, that makes you think "I want to be like that." There's this phenomenal woman that I met when I was in India. Relatively speaking, I hardly know her. But she mentored two of my fellow-interns, and the team she led semi-adopted me. She had this unique way of encouraging. I couldn't put my finger on it then, and for the life of me, I can't now. I saw her again briefly when I was in Nebraska last spring and had the same impression. Whether it was in her manner, or her personality, or what, I don't know. But I want to be like that. To leave the impression on everyone I meet that they have value and are understood and have value. To have wisdom treasured up, and to speak easily with people as to instill trust from the start. I realize how far I am from this goal. I realize how short I fall in this arena, but I so desire to be like that. To learn what it means to be a graceful woman of God.
P.S. The nicest people in the world are from Nebraska :) Despite the fact that they have more cows than people in their state, I think I'd be happy to live there some day!
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