Observations on life: Indias beautiful. The driving hardly phases me anymore, I’m less concerned about time and shopping stresses me out less! I just bought a gorgeous Sari ☺ It makes me happy! I am wrestling a lot about theology vs. culture and where to draw the line of what’s important and what’s just culture. I’m feeling a bit in a rut here… like I’m really just at a standstill and not sure how to process and work through some thinking and coping and am just not feeling too effective… But I have definitely started to process and work through things that bother and frustrate me. It is good to actually come to grips with the culture. I’m also building relationships with many of the Indian girls. They love to laugh and really are willing to be your friend if you’re willing to sit with them at meals and smile a lot! Most of all though, I’ve really come to love the other interns. Someone mentioned to me that last summer they made some of their best friends in the 6 weeks they were on their trip. I didn’t believe her… until now ☺ I love these girls so much! We have the randomest, most deep and thought provoking, conversation. I’m not gonna lie, we’re a lot of fun too! And we’re so incredibly awkward. I think I’d be lost without them processing through India and Indian culture, and the poverty and the religious and gender implications with me! Plus we have oatmeal for breakfast on the roof with mangos (better than any mango you’ve ever eaten in the states) on special occasions. We have adventures to the one coffee shop we know of in the whole cities and have adventures with plenty of Rickshaws. I’m blown away with how quickly I’ve come to love these girls (picture up top is of me and four of the other interns--(left to right: me, Andrea, Ashley, Amy, Megan)! And the guys are good to us and take care of us. They make our shower work and make us rotti (kinda like tortillas only better) and nuttella at random hours of the night and we have parties.
One particular change of note is my overcoming of my personal space! Same gender physical contact is the norm here and its expected that good friends walk down the street holding hands. Me and two of my dear friends here walked like a ½ mile holding hands! You should be so proud of me!
And the clinic is good! I’m focusing mostly on relationships at the moment and observing how things are done. Sometimes I’m really frustrated, but overall its good! i love the doctors I get to work with and am loving just being an encouragement to the women that come into the clinic.
Currently there are probably around 100 students here on campus all my ageish (a bit older). Many of them will be here through my entire time, so its good to get to know them! The girls just love to laugh and give us such a great chance. They have a sense of community among themselves that is so welcoming and loving and open to all who are willing to initiate that friendship! I'm excited to continue to get to know them over the next year!
Yeah, I’ve decided to use this blog, ‘cause then people can chose to read my updates rather than emails where they magically appear in your inbox all the time ☺ Don’t worry, I’m still gonna send an email every once in a while, but I’ll probably update here a bit more frequently.
I'm a bit homesick, but God is faithful and I'm loving India about 100x more than I was a month ago :)